Dear friend,

You are so special to me. I am so proud to know you. You are so brave and selfless. I admire everything about you. You are incredible. There is something so wonderful and endearing about you. You are doing the one thing that most people cannot even think about doing. You are defending everything we, as Americans, believe in. You’re not only fighting for the flag, our nation, everything the US stands for as a symbol, you are also fighting for me. You love me so much you are willing to sacrifice your life to keep mine safe. That’s incredible. I wish I had the courage to do what you are doing.

It makes me nervous sometimes, not knowing what’s gonna happen to you. Or, not knowing where you are or how you’re doing or if you’re safe. Not knowing if today I’m gonna get a call, confirming the only thing I’ve been afraid of since you joined. I hate not knowing who’s after you and why they want you dead so bad. It makes my stomach hurt.

It’s okay though, the worry and fear. It’s okay because I know that this is what you were put on this earth to do. It’s in your spirit. You can tell in the way you walk and talk. It’s all you’ve ever wanted to do. It all makes sense. It’s okay that you’re not here all the time. I know that you think about me, your parents, your other friends. I know you are doing all of this for us. We are so, so proud of you.

I can tell you’re ready for whatever comes next. I can feel it in the way you hug me so tight and the way your voice sounds as you’re walking away. I can tell when the tears roll down your face as your mom tells you to be careful and your dad tells you he loves you. We don’t want you to go, but we understand.

So thank you for doing this. There are no words to describe just how great this thing you’re doing is. You’re my hero. And, even though you say you don’t need it, goodluck.

I admire you. I love you. I am so thankful to have a friend like you.

Be safe and come home soon.

With all my love,


For: Nick, Zach, David, Jonathan and all the brave men and women serving our country.

No Motivation


Whaddup Hump dayyyyyyy?!!

So guys, lately I have no motivation to do anything. Literally all I want to do is lay in bed and watch Netflix. This is serious problem considering I have projects and homework due. I know I should be working on them but, I just don’t want to. I can barely get myself to go to class. Then once I’m in class I count down the minutes until I can go home and get in bed. It was so much easier to be motivated in high school. I guess because I had designated times to finish homework and start projects, and the work was so much easier. In college theres no one telling me to get to work or to go to the library. An it’s not just homework. I don’t wanna workout even though I know I should and I don’t even want to eat when I get hungry because that means getting out of bed. I really need to go to the store to get some food but instead I just keep getting stuff delivered. Thats also bad because I’m not working out right now, remember?

So can someone please help me out with some tips on getting stuff done. Please please please please. Thanks.

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In other news, I miss my dog and my dad. My mom is moving back to Minnesota on Friday and I still need to find a job. Adulthood is kicking my butt right now. It could always be worse!

Love, Megan


Week One, DONE!

Okay, week one of my junior year of college is done! And, boy, was it an awesome week. Let me just walk you through it one day at a time because a lot happened and I suck at keeping up with the blogging.

Sunday: FALLFEST!!! So every year my school throws a huge concert thats totally free for students! It’s awesome! This year we had Eli Young Band, The Chainsmokers, and SchoolBoyQ! I think my favorite part of Fallfest was that I got to see all of my friends! Even my friends from home who don’t go to WVU! But, then something happened. So, the first love I ever had is one of my really good friends from home. We have literally been friends since we were babies. Well long story short I feel in love with him when I was about 12. I never told him although one of my friends ratted me out once but he asked me if I liked him and I lied. You know, for the sake of the friendship, blah blah blah. My feelings for him never really went away and I always thought that he liked me back. Well, his younger brother was talking to one of my friends on Sunday after the concert and he let something slip. My friend asked the younger brother how long I had known both of them, he said since forever and should have stopped. But he didn’t! The younger brother kept talking. Quoting as directly as I can here…. “Megan and Jon have always been close though. They have always had a thing They’ll probably get married one day”. WHATTTTT ARE YOU KIDDING ME. My friend told me this and I like totally freaked out. Not only did this kind of restart my feelings for him but also, it validated to me that Jon likes me back and other people can see it. Do you get what I’m saying. If the younger brother can see that we have had a “thing” than who else knows. I wish I wasn’t such a wuss. I wish I could just straight up ask Jon how he feels. Another problem, I’m in a very loving very committed relationship and I don’t want to ruin that either. Anyway I had to end my Sunday right there because that information was too much for me to process.

Monday: My mom and brother came to town for a short visit. I was super happy to see her because she lives about 22 hours away and I don’t see her often.

Tuesday/Weds- Nothing special just classes and homework. And sweating because it’s so hot outside.

Thursday- Had classes. After classes I decided to go out with my friends. Rach, Linds, Kayla, Kalynn and I ventured downtown to the club. There we met up with my two best guy friends Andy (ex-lover) and Steve. It’s always sometimes awkward when Andy and I are around each other because there is always a tension between us, the sexual kind. I look over and catch him looking at me and we’ll just stare and smile then bounce back to reality. Steven really wants Andrew and I to date but again committed relationship. So, we are all just dancing and having fun. Those boys never fail to tell me how pretty my friends are.

Friday, Everything is the same as Thursday but no class and a lot more beer. Same people, same club, same dancing, same tension.

Saturday- I had no plans on Saturday and I really just wanted to stay in and watch Netflix. I went to dinner with Andy and Steve and somehow got dragged out to a frat party. After standing around for an hour being miserable, my friend Kayla saved me by having me walk her home. When I got back, it was Netflix time.

Today/Sunday-I laid around and ate pizza and watched Netflix. I had a meeting at my sorority and came home to more Netflix and now I’m blogging.

This week I’m feeling like i’m in a rut. I get terrible but awesome news about my first love. I have to deal with the small touches and seducing smiles of my ex-lover. To top it all off the one person I want to talk to most in the world is on the other side of the country. Yes, my boyfriend is in Cali. I wish I could be there with him because I’m dying without him.

Anyway, there’s my boring week. I guess I just really wanted to tell you guys about my awkward encounters and the whole Sunday/Fallfest thing.

As always, I would really like some feedback. Sorry this post has horrible grammar. And sorry it’s boring.

Best, Megs


Netflix is ruining my life

So, for the past like three days I have done nothing but stay in bed and watch Netflix. I have not communicated with any other human being. I didn’t even realize that I had been lazy for so long. I go to bed late and wake up half way through the day. So, what’s the point of even trying to do anything productive because my day is pretty much over. Thanks Netflix. Thanks for drawing my in with your sweet temptations. Thanks so much for having the greatest shows and movies and thanks for making it so easy to say “just one more.” You really know how to keep a girl on lockdown. This has to end. Thanks for being so great, but I think it’s over between us.

Short, sweet, and to the point.

ily, Megandownload

Second Try…

Okay blogosphere,

Here we go… again… I’m gonna try to actually write in this thing now!

So big news, I moved back to college today! My summer was too short and not sweet enough. I am not really ready to be back at school if we are being honest. I am totally mentally prepared for the classes and work and having fun but, I’m not ready to be away from home… again. This summer was a giant realization that my time at home, in my tiny country town, is quickly fading. I know that I have all these big plans to move to California and become a big shot lawyer but I never realized how fast it was all happening. It feels like just yesterday I was applying to colleges not even graduate high school yet and now I’m in my third year of undergrad! Time really does fly when you’re having fun I guess.

I miss my family a ton already. I cried when I left my drive away because my dad wasn’t home for me to say goodbye to. Today I think God was really looking out for me in his own special way. About and hour into my trek back to school my car broke down! Yay me, right? Well, I called my dad and soon enough he was on his way to rescue me. At the time I wasn’t too happy that my car was broken but now I am extremely thankful because I got to hug my dad and say goodbye to him in person.

Its really hard for me thinking about leaving my family behind. (She says with tears in her eyes) They are the only thing that really holds me together. I wish time would just slow down. I feel like life is going way too fast. A fifth of my life is already over! That flew by. That expression “Don’t Blink,” yeah I take that seriously now.

Well hopefully I can keep you guys updated with all the happenings while I’m here at school.

Quick question, is it okay to post more than once a day?

Loyally, Meganfunny-college-humor2

It’s Been Too Long


OMG, I haven’t posted in forever. I have been so busy. I feel like I never get a minute to rest. When I’m not at work, I’m trying to do chores at home and entertain friends and a needy boyfriend. I do not  get enough sleep and I sometimes forget to shower. So, I have a tiny but of time before I go to bed and just wanted everyone to know I’m still here!

So, I LOVE to read. I am currently reading American Sniper (I know I’m late). So far it’s awesome! and I’m only a third of the way through. It is intense and suspenseful but its great because you can tell he is writing from the heart also. I read about a book a weak and I am quickly running out of new books to look into. EVERYONE SEND ME SUGGESTIONS!

Let’s talk about that supreme court decision today! As a democrat I think it’s awesome, as a young person I think It’s awesome. But really, I don’t see why people are getting so bent out of shape. Just because before LGBT couldn’t get married in every state that did not stop them from creating a life together. And so many other states had already approved it. C’mon, this decision isn’t going to hurt you. Grow up and move on. This is a new era, times are changing and people are gonna live life the way they want!

Okay, I’m done with my random spat today. Hope you enjoyed my stream-of-consciousness writing!

Best, Megan

Oh, and leave comments!!

A letter to my love…


Yesterday, my boyfriend and I celebrated two years together! I wanted to write him a letter and tell him how wonderful he is and how special he makes me feel. Then I thought, there are a lot of girls out there struggling with guys and relationships soooo I decided to share the letter to show everyone how relationships should be. I have never been the type to say, “I have the most perfect relationship on the planet ever and no one is better” and all that blah blah blah. But, tons of people have told me that they think Chris treats me well and we have a mature relationship that is better than their own marriages. So, if you wanna take a closer look, here’s what I wrote to him.


There are not words to express how lucky I am to have you. God has truly blessed me. He has given me a great thing, you. You are the love of my life. You make me forget about the bad and remind me of the good. You are always there to help me but stand back when I need to do it alone. You are there to hold me when I cry and make me laugh when I need it. I am so glad I have you. I remember everything you ever gave me, every gesture you put on for me, every time you told me you loved me. I remember it all. The good times and the bad. You make me remember these things. Your unconditional love is unforgettable.

I love how you let me be the big spoon because it helps me fall asleep. I love how you drive to my house because I hate driving and I’m too lazy to come to yours. I love that I can sing so loudly around you that you have to cover your ears. I love your kind heart and the passion you have toward other people. I love your will and drive to work hard. I love that you can support me in all my endeavors. I love that you allow me to have my own friends and give me space when I need it. I love our special Friday date nights together because that is our time and no one else can interrupt it. I love that you can trust me and I you. I love that you are always on my mind. I love that I love you. I love that you love me. 

Though we have had our ups and downs these past two years, I wouldn’t trade them for anything. You have helped me grow into the woman I am today, you are helping me continue to grow into the woman I will become. Thank you for being there for me and never letting me down. Thank you for forgiving me when I made mistakes. And thank you for letting me be me with judgement.

You are one in a million. I wish every girl could have a guy like you. But since there is only one of you I’m glad you’re with me.

I love you to the moon and further. 2 down forever to go,

Megan (Babe)

Well there ya go. It’s kinda random and all over the place but there’s a reason it’s called spilling your heart on the pages. Because love is random and all over the place, but in the best way possible. I hope you liked it.

As always, leave comments and share!

XOXO, Megan



I haven’t posted a blog in a couple of days because I’ve really had nothing to talk about. But, today is National Best friend Day so what better to do then write a post about the most important people in my life, my best friends! I’ll just give yall a short blurb about the special people, to give you some insight into why my life is so crazy….

Kalynn: I have been friends with since middle school and I would be no where in life without her. She is not only my bff but also my sorority sister! She gives the best advice and is always 100 percent honest with me no matter what. I lobe that we are the same person inside and out. Can’t live without that girl.

Chris: Chris I have known for a while but I have been lucky enough to get to know him even more over the past two years as my BOYFRIEND! He is the smartest, sweetest, funniest guy I know. I love him so much. I am so blessed and so thankful that god has put him into my life. He makes me a better person. He doesn’t get a spot on my bff list just because he’s my boyfriend but because he is truly one of my best friends. Glad I can be myself around him.

SQUAD: This is a very special group of six people. First, Brooke. She has literally been my friend since we were two and she was my roommate this year. I can always have fun with her no matter what. Madison: I’ve only known her for two years but she is the voice of reason within the group. She always tells people to stop making bad decisions and start thinking about their future. She is so ready to take on whatever the world throws at her and one day she’ll be president. Ali: OMG, this girl is trouble. All wild nights start and end with her. I love her still. I love her even when she sends 1000909 snapchats at 1:00am and wakes you up. Crazy as she may be, she works hard for what she wants. Andrew: Tall. Awkward. Tons of fun. He isn’t always around but when he is there will always be a smile on your face. He has the kindest heart and really cares about everyones well being. Nick: oh my. Nick is my spirit animal. He is everything that I am but in boy form. He loves to have a good time but knows when the work needs to get done. He always has something to say and can always give you advice. The great thing about him, he doesn’t judge you for the things you’ve done… because he’s done worse. P.s. he has a crush on my mom. Steven: My favorite member of squad. He gets me. He likes the same music, has the same attitude, has the same favorite beer. We are soulmates. I remember meeting Steven for the first time. There was no awkwardness, it was like we had been friends our whole lives. I love you all so much. S/O to college for giving you to me.

Mikayla: I met her in my junior year of high school and we automatically hit it off. We were inseparable in high school and in my first year of college. Mikayla is now a wonderful mother and I am the god mother to her beautiful baby girl. I have been seriously slacking on my duties but I will make it better. I am so lucky to have someone like her in my life. Together we just talk about all of our problems and try to help each other figure life out. I love you.

So there you have it. Short blog about the people that make my world go ’round. Also quick shoutout to my dog for also being my bff.

I’m glad that I have people in my life I can always count on!

